8PORT PCI EXPRESS RS232 SERIAL ADAPTER CARD PCIE TO SERIAL. StarTech 8-Port PCI Express RS232 Serial Adapter Card PEX8S1050. Add eight RS-232 DB9 serial ports to your desktop computer, through a PCIe expansion card slots. This PCI express serial card, with 8-port breakout cable, provides you with multiple ports to connect a wide variety of serial peripherals, at speeds of up to 921.4Kbps. Connect your Peripherals with 8 Serial Ports.
The PCI express serial port card makes it easy to add serial ports to connect your peripherals including printers, scanners, credit/debit card readers, PIN pads and modems, industrial controls and more. The 8 port PCIe serial card includes a breakout cable - with 8 DB9 connectors. This PCI Express card is only compatible with Windows and Windows server. PCI Express 1.0a x1. 8 x DB-9 RS-232 - Serial, Via Cable.
1 x DB62 to 8 Port DB9. 1 x Quick Start Guide.8 x Optional DB9 Connector Hex Nut Pairs. Restriction of Hazardous Substances (RoHS).